The Juventus Academy (Shanghai) programs are committed to developing players in a positive football environment. The goal is to provide an opportunity for players to play at the highest level commensurate with individual ability, potential, and interest. To support this goal, Juventus Academy provides professional training and coaching at all age levels, along with a myriad of programs designed to maximize player potential, character, and sportsmanship.



    Juventus Academy will hold tryouts for every age level during the football season. All players must try out according to their birth year. These tryouts are designed to evaluate players and ensure that they are placed on the appropriate roster. Roster decisions will be made by the Juventus Academy professional coaching staff. Juventus Academy players are continually evaluated during the course of the football season. If deemed in the best interest of the player, the Academy coaching staff may transfer a player midseason to a higher-level team.


    Team Assignments
    Team assignments are made by the Juventus Academy coaching department and are based upon skill level and capabilities. The Academy reserves the right to assign individual players to teams that are not within the same age group, but better fit with the player’s skill level and capabilities. Juventus Academy also reserves the right to assign players to teams to ensure that there are enough players to field a team at a particular age group, as long as the assignment does not negatively impact the player’s development.



    Team Administrative Requirements

    • Teams are responsible for covering any additional fees or expenses associated with participating in tournaments or other events beyond the commitments made by the Academy.
    • It is mandatory for all teams to maintain a high standard of respect and good sportsmanship. This applies to parents, spectators, and players at all times during any academy-related activities.



    Juventus Academy teams are scheduled to play in a local league in Shanghai during weekends.



    The Academy teams will participate in either local or international tournaments throughout the season. Selection of the tournaments will be made by the Academy Coaching Staff based upon team development needs, variety of competition, etc.


    Entry fees, trainers’ fees, accommodations, and travel expenses, will be the sole responsibility of the participating team. The cost is divided amongst the players that have committed to attend and therefore once committed the fee is payable and non-refundable. All tournament fees must be processed through the Academy office.



    Juventus Academy (Shanghai) does not have a policy on equal playing time for all players on a team. Playing time is determined by several factors including: attendance at practices and games; attitude at practices and games; and playing ability. However, Juventus Academy encourages coaches to substitute so all registered players have playing time.



    Training is mandatory. Both team coaches must be notified and consent to absences ahead of time. Players/Parents must also confirm attendance for training.



    Juventus Academy (Shanghai) strives to project a professional image both on and off the field. The Juventus Academy uniform plays an integral part in the projection of the Academy's identity by instilling a sense of team pride and community within the organization. Players are required to wear only the prescribed uniform components to games and practices. The full kit is mandatory for all players.



    Grievances or complaints about team matters should be directed to the coach and, if possible, resolved at the team level. If the matter cannot be resolved at the team level, the coach should present the grievance or complaint to the Management Staff. Grievances or complaints about the coach should be communicated directly to the Management Staff. All grievances or complaints given to the Management Staff will be reviewed with the Executive Director. The Executive Director has the authority to resolve the matter, make a recommendation to the Board, or refer the matter to the Board.
    All grievances and complaints should be resolved in accordance with The Juventus Academy rules, policies and procedures. If no clearly applicable rules, policies, or procedures exist, the Board of Directors will make the final decision.



    Fees for participation in the Academy cover the entire football season (Sept - June). A player who accepts an invitation to play with the Academy commits to pay the entire fee for the full football season. No refunds, partial or full, will be issued to players who choose not to participate for any reason at any point after the commitment is made. No refunds, partial or full, will be made in the event a player is suspended or removed from the program.


    Failure to pay fees on time will result in the suspension of the player from all practices, games and tournaments. Upon receipt of payment, including any late fees, the player will be reinstated. The player is considered illegible for play until all financial issues are resolved.




    Every parent and player consents to a code of conduct agreement and all Academy policies upon accepting an invitation to join the Academy. This Parent/Player agreement sets out expectations relative to behavior, sportsmanship, and conduct as a member of Juventus Academy. Upon becoming a Juventus academy player, it is understood that both the player and the parent or legal guardian have read, understood, and agreed to abide by all the policies outlined in the Parent and Player Agreement. No additional signatures or follow-ups will be required from the academy once the player has been enrolled. Violations of the agreement may result in sanctions imposed on the offending member. These sanctions may include, but are not limited to: reprimand; suspension from the team and academy activities and facilities; and in extreme cases, expulsion from the academy. No refunds, partial or full will be made in the event a player is suspended or removed from the program.



    All parents are responsible for the supervision of their children. For those situations where the parent cannot be present, the parent must ensure that the child is supervised by another family attending the same event. No children should be left at an event unsupervised. Any situation where a child is at an event unsupervised must be immediately reported to the Academy Managers.



    By accepting an invitation to join the Academy, the player commits to playing for the Academy for the entire football season. Any player or parent found to be actively recruiting Juventus Academy players to transfer to another football organization will be immediately expelled. In instances where a parent is directly involved and has more than one child in the Academy, the suspension will be extended to include all other family members. No refunds, partial or full, will be made in this event.



    Parents are expected to maintain a positive sportsmanship approach toward all players, officials, coaches, and other families before, during, and after a game. Verbal or physical assaults on referees, players, coaches or other parents will not be tolerated and will be cause for suspension. In addition, it is important that parents avoid attempting to help coach players from the sideline. League rules require coaches to be located in the bench area during the course of a game. Teams that are deemed to be breaking this rule may be subjected to a penalty. By observing this rule, the parents also reduce potential confusion created when players receive instructions from multiple sources. Allowing the coaches to be the sole source of instruction during a game ensures that the potential for player confusion is reduced. Behavior by the parent or player in contravention to the player/parent agreement and/or deemed inappropriate by the Academy Management will result in disciplinary action.



    Juventus Academy Shanghai is dedicated to providing a complete and comprehensive developmental program for each individual player. The Academy does not permit player participation in non-Juventus Academy football events. Guest playing or training for any other football organization for players is not permitted. Training with coaches from other Academies is also not permitted. A player commits to Juventus Academy Shanghai for the football year which is September 2024 to June 2025.



    Behavior by the parent or player in contravention to the player/parent agreement and/or deemed inappropriate by the Juventus Academy Program Committee of the Juventus Academy Shanghai Management will result in disciplinary action which may include but is not limited to the following:
    1. Issue a letter of reprimand
    2. Place on probation with such special conditions as are deemed appropriate
    3. Suspend for a definite period of time not to exceed one (1) year from the date of the offense.
    Disciplinary action may be extended to include all family members.

    If the Academy Management finds the conduct of any player/parent purposely ignoring the Academy Rules and Regulations or is detrimental to the objectives of the Academy, it may suspend the member, or take such other sanctions or actions deemed necessary under the circumstances.





    Participation in football and physical activities comes with a certain understanding of risk to the participant. The parents or legal guardians of the participant understand and agree that Juventus Academy Shanghai will not be liable for any accidents or injuries. Juventus Academy Shanghai Management must be informed in advance about potential critical health situations. An under-stress electrocardiogram is strongly recommended before the start of the football season.



    The parents or legal guardians of the participant understand, agree, and authorize coaches and staff of Juventus Academy Shanghai to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event of an injury that requires medical attention. If further attention beyond the capabilities of coaches and staff is required, the legal guardian or parent understands and agrees that the participant will be escorted to a medical facility at Juventus Academy Shanghai’s own discretion.



    All players MUST have medical insurance before joining.




    Juventus Academy Shanghai reserves the right to take photographs of participants in activities and use them for relevant promotional purposes. If you do not wish your child to be part of this, please let us know in writing at the time of registration.



    Players’ information will remain confidential throughout the football year.



    Juventus Academy Shanghai strives to promote fair play, sportsmanship and strength of character. The game belongs to the players and as parents and coaches, we set the example.


    Always -

    · Let the Coaches COACH

    · Make only POSITIVE comments from the sideline

    · RESPECT the referees' decision

    · Show good SPORTSMANSHIP

    · ENJOY cheering for your child and team



    Allow the coaches to manage the players and refrain from offering additional instruction during games or practices. Spectator direction and instructions from the sideline to the players on the field are counterproductive to player development. A critical part of the player development process is to provide players with the tools to make decisions for themselves during games. The games are the player’s time to make their own decisions with the help and guidance of their coaches.



    Enjoy cheering for your child. Positive cheering is encouraged however negative remarks about any player's performance during games are not tolerated. Treat all players, opponents, parents, officials, and coaches with courtesy, respect, and good sportsmanship. Avoid criticizing players, teammates, coaches, organizations, or opponents. Always remember, parents set the example for players and represent the Academy.



    Always respect league officials. Criticizing the referees' decision is counterproductive. While you may not agree, refrain from criticizing the referees' decision. Any concerns about the referee’s individual or overall performance must be directed to the Coaching Staff or to the Academy Management at the appropriate time who will follow up through the appropriate channels. Parents are not to address any league officials directly.



    Parents must remain on the spectator’s side of the field for the duration of the game and are not allowed to approach the coach during the game. Parents must respect the need for a cooling-off period immediately after games and not attempt to offer critiques to coaches until sufficient time has passed. All critiques will be approached in a mature, positive way and not in front of youth players.




    Positive and proactive communication at the origin of concern is critical in maintaining a positive working relationship between parents and The Juventus Academy Management, which is in the best interest of everyone.

    All communication between Juventus Academy Shanghai parents and Juventus Academy Shanghai staff or Management should be civil and respectful. If the Academy receives a communication (in person or electronically) that the administration deems inappropriate and/or threatening, the Academy reserves the right to request a redirected communication or to restrict communications accordingly (this may include limiting physical and/or electronic access to Academy Staff).



    For general questions send an email to info@juventusacademysh.com . Parents may expect a response within one business day/ within 48 hours.

    Parents may also call Juventus Office during working hours:

    Tel: +86 021 6450 6156/ 6450 6256

    Juventus Academy Shanghai by laws, Policies and Rules: The academy by-laws, policies and rules are available to academy members on the Academy website.

    Team Communication: The Academy administrator will maintain distribution lists for various groups within the Academy. Regular communication occurs within these groups. The groups are kept up to date on such things as equipment requirements, registration updates, tryout information, roster updates, league rules and updates, meetings, etc.



    In the event of a conflict with a coach or a Juventus Academy staff member or if a parent has questions or concerns pertaining to practices, academic programs, or their children, the parent should:

    1) Discuss with the Juventus Academy Management (who will include the team coach as well).
    2) If the issue cannot be resolved, the parent should discuss the issue with the Juventus Academy Shanghai GM, who may, if appropriate, mediate a discussion between the parties in conflict.



    Juventus Academy Shanghai has communication groups for training, league games, and tournaments etc, to send notifications and necessary information.

    Those groups are for training and game communication purposes only.

    For players’ personal matters contact the Juventus Academy Shanghai admin privately.

    Positive communication is encouraged and negative criticism is prohibited in all groups.

    Juventus Academy Shanghai admin has the right to remove any member from the group if the policies are not followed through. For feedback or complaints, parents must send an official Email to Juventus Academy Shanghai.



    As a Juventus Academy (Shanghai) player, the player agrees to:

    • Represent Juventus Academy with values and principles of the highest standard both on and off the field.
    • Refrain from behavior that causes public embarrassment or that brings the Academy into disrepute.
    • Refrain from using foul language, alcohol, nicotine or illegal drugs of any kind. Use of these substances by minors at an Academy event will immediately be reported to coaches and staff members.
    • Treat all teammates, opponents, parents, officials, and coaches with courtesy, respect, and good sportsmanship.
    • Bullying any teammate or person involved with Academy will not be tolerated. Any bullying or hazing will be immediately reported to the coaches and staff members.
    • Honor all commitments as required by Juventus Academy and commit to being on time for all academy functions.
    • Attend all Juventus Football Academy training and games as required. Understand that non-attendance without providing sufficient cause and notice may result in the forfeiture of place within the team.
    • Wear and maintain proper academy training and game uniform. Understand the requirement in wearing the official Juventus Academy uniform at all sessions.
    • Participate exclusively with Juventus Academy (Shanghai) for the entire football season and to not participate in any non-sanctioned training session or football event for the duration of this agreement without the written approval of the Academy Management.
    • Notify the Academy Management if a member of another Academy's coaching staff or other Academy representative approaches them for purposes of recruitment.
    • Commit to not recruiting Juventus players to transfer to another football organization.
    • Accept that the Academy reserves the right to move players between teams.
    • Commit to supporting Juventus Academy (Shanghai) in activities that directly benefit the academy.


    As a parent and/or guardian of a Juventus Academy (Shanghai) player, the parent agrees to:

    • Ensure that the player abides by the Player Agreement.
    • Support the player in a positive manner.
    • Allow the coaches to manage the players and refrain from offering additional instruction during games or practices.
    • Treat all players, opponents, parents, officials, and coaches with courtesy, respect, and good sportsmanship.
    • Refrain from behavior that causes public embarrassment or that brings the Academy into disrepute.
    • Refrain from using foul language, alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs of any kind at Academy events.
    • Respect the need for a cooling off period immediately after games and not attempt to offer critiques to coaches until sufficient time has passed (at minimum 24 hours). All critiques will be approached in an adult, positive way and not occur in front of youth players.
    • Accept that any parent or guardian that is removed from a game by an official will result in an automatic suspension for a minimum of 2 games by the Academy. Any subsequent removals will result in further suspension as determined by the Executive Board.
    • Participate exclusively with Juventus Academy (Shanghai) for the entire football season and to not participate in any non-sanctioned training session or soccer event for the duration of this agreement without the written approval of the Academy Management.
    • Commit to not recruiting Juventus (Shanghai) players to transfer to another football organization or non-Juventus Football trainer.
    • Accept that any parent or player found recruiting Juventus (Shanghai) players will be suspended for a minimum of one year and may be further disciplined by the Executive Board. In instances where a parent is directly involved and has more than one player in the Academy, the suspension will be extended to include all other family members.
    • Pay all Juventus Academy (Shanghai) football fees in full. Accept that all fees are non-refundable and non-transferable and also accept that late fees will be assessed when payment does not occur in a timely manner. The parent/guardian agrees that they have read and agreed to the refund policy and all financial terms and conditions.
    • Accept that the Academy reserves the right to move players between teams.
    • Provide transportation to and from all football events and ensure the player is prompt in arrival and departure.
    • Respect the rules of the facilities and accept that pets are not allowed at any Academy event.
    • Ensure that the player is properly equipped for participation in all football activities.
    • Support Juventus Academy fundraising activities in ways that help make the activities a success.
    • The use of any photos, films, videos, or sketches taken of the player or other family members during a Juventus Academy football activity for publicity, advertising, promotional, and/or educational purposes including, but not limited to, news releases, publications, videos and publication to the World Wide Web as well as in joint promotions with Juventus Academy Marketing Partners.
    • Review the Juventus Academy (Shanghai) Privacy Policy and accept its use by the Academy.
    • Review and accept all Juventus Academy (Shanghai) policies.



    Behavior by the parent or player in contravention of the player/parent agreement and/or deemed inappropriate by the Academy Program Committee of the Juventus Academy (Shanghai) Management will result in disciplinary action which may include but is not limited to the following:

    1. A letter of reprimand being issued
    2. Being placed on probation with such special conditions as are deemed appropriate
    3. Suspension for a definite period of time not to exceed one (1) year from the date of the offense

    Disciplinary action may be extended to include all family members.

    If the Executive Board finds the conduct of any player/parent purposely ignores the Juventus Academy (Shanghai) Rules and Regulations or is detrimental to the objectives of the Academy, it may suspend the member, or take such other sanctions or actions deemed necessary under the circumstances.




    The parents or legal guardians understand and agree to completely indemnify Juventus Academy Shanghai for any expenses or liabilities as a result of any injury or any other loss to the participant including the costs of emergency services.



    The parents or legal guardians understand and agree that Juventus Academy Shanghai, its representatives, volunteers, and sponsors will not be held responsible for any theft, actions, or damages to or destruction of property.



    If a class is missed due to sickness or any other personal reason, no refund or credit note will be issued, and make-up lessons cannot be arranged for absentees. No Refunds will be given if a player is relocating out of Shanghai during the season.

    Refunds will not be issued in the case of quarantines, epidemics, or any force majeure situation.



    Juventus Academy Shanghai reserves the right to cancel classes due to unforeseen circumstances.



    No refunds will be given in the case of cancellation due to unexpected situations e.g. stormy weather, high pollution (bad air quality), however, makeup session will be given during the season if possible.




    We reserve the right to cancel classes due to unforeseen circumstances.



    Classes will only be stopped for extreme or dangerous weather conditions such as electrical storms and typhoons. Please note that it is the responsibility of every member to check the weather app. If there is a cancellation, the Juventus Academy Shanghai team will inform players 2 hours before activities via WeChat messages or Email.



    Classes will only be stopped for extreme or dangerous weather conditions such as high pollution (200+ AQI). Classes will be stopped once the Air Quality Index exceeds 200 or PM2 over 100 and is predicted to continue. This will be based upon measurements published by the nearest reading station following this website: http://aqicn.org/city/shanghai. If the AQI is above 200 or PM2 over 100, 2 hours before the scheduled start time, the session will NOT go ahead. If an event has already begun and the AQI rises beyond this limit, then it will continue until the end. All coaches will be instructed to modify their activities to be less aerobic until the completion of the session. Please note that it is the responsibility of every member to check the website. If there is a cancellation, the Juventus Academy Shanghai team will inform players 2 hours before activities via WeChat messages or Email.